Karma or Reap what you sow

I am a fan of combat sports. Which typically means that I get to hear a lot of trash talk between opponents. At the end of a particular match this past weekend. The trash talk continued. It usually ends after the fight. The fighters show each other and their team mutual respect. I assume this is an old thought process built on, once you fight someone, you get to know who they are. Some sort of warrior bond is established. Something I heard, anyway. Well, when this bout was over the loser made some comments about the other which included family members. The winner made a comment, “Karma is not a bitch, it’s a mirror.” It made me think about the fact that when we use the term Karma, we typically think about it from a retribution stand point. The winner of the bout was trying to make a point of saying in other words, “you reap what you sow.” During some of the most trying and emotional moments in our lives we will be faced with situations that we would rather not be a part of. It shows how great your character is that during these moments that you can still be the best version of yourself and be the person you want other people to be. It may not be the easiest thing to do, but acting as others do when you choose not to own who you want to be can be a bit hypocritical at times. I make it a mission to seek out a part of me that can be better today than I was yesterday. It’s these steps that make me feel better about myself and the work I choose to do with and for others. I choose to give not as I have always been given. Let’s face the truth, just because we have received something, it does not mean we deserved it. Bad things do happen to good people, just as good things have happened to bad people. The choice for me is to not hang my hat on what does not elevate me and the people I come into contact with. So I will continue to work on being the best version of myself, while fighting for others to do the same. As always,

Go Be Amazing