Time for Ran to do the Savage Race.

We are currently polling what people think I will do about running the Savage Race. Amid Covid scares and protocols, I am still unsure about the whether or not I am going to actually participate or not. On one side I have my long term health. I have received the vaccine, but I also know that the vaccine is not a cure. And with a couple of thousand people running the race, I am concerned about exposure. On the other hand I do have an issue with heights. In 2018 I ran the race for the first time. I completed the 2 obstacles that give me the most pause. Davey Jones’ Locker and Colossus. 2019 was a different story. I froze up big time and let let the fear win. I have this philosophy from Jesse Itzler which is “Remember Tomorrow”. Unfortunately tomorrow has lasted 2 years. No 2020 Savage Race for me. I have want to redeem myself so badly. Which plays greatly into the philosophy that I let escape me on that faithful day in 2019. Take on the challenge in front of you when it’s there. You may not get another chance. And leave today with no regrets. Now, I have stacked the deck against myself. What am I to do?

Go to our “Contact us” page and leave me your thoughts.

Thanks for the continued support.

Go Be Amazing!

August 2, 2021. DotShotMedia.com goes live and wide!

I am so stoked about this. Finally, our website is up and running.

Please share, support, and encourage others to do the same. DotShot exists to help and serve others as we have been helped. We do this to show you that we walk with you. We have struggles and difficulties. We fail and rise, fail and rise, just as you do. No one has it all together all the time. We are here to show you that regardless of where you are on your path. That you can do it. It takes application. Application of sound work and fundamentals. We explore and give examples of how to work through the barriers that may hold you back in reaching your amazing. Not some one else’s version of amazing, but yours.

Much Thanks to Kalani Virtudes!!

One thing I should say is that, I am not patient enough to have done this alone. I asked a guy with zero experience to help me get this website up and running. He did all the things I had no patience to do. His willingness to get this right for us was the foundation of the awesome product you are now viewing. Kalani Virtudes is a young man that has worked under me for the past 2 years. A very smart guy with unlimited potential. I have told him that since day one. I knew he had never done anything like this before, but I also knew he has a varied interest in computers. So, I decided to ask him what he thought about the idea of helping me get this website up and running. He jumped on the idea. He started off by going to YouTube University. Then he dived into the site and the site sponsor. He spent large amounts of his time, effort and energy to learn everything he could to help me. This was absolutely a team accomplishment. From updating the logo to what content we wanted to put on the site, to color schemes, button placements, content flow, and functionality. Again, my patience is not geared for this type of thing specifically. I did have to learn and gain some ground. But because of Kalani and the autonomy I gave him to make decisions to do what was needed. He exceeded my expectations and then some. As we have continued to hammer out some of the bugs and iron out some details. He has provided DotShot with a great launch pad that Gary and I are very proud of. Kalani has more in store to improve and build on from this platform. He is also wanting to start a business of his own, helping people as he did with us, with their website design, issues and usability. We will continue to support him as he moves forward. .

Ahead of schedule.

We are a couple of weeks ahead of schedule for our website launch. We still have a few additions that we are making sure that they will work properly.

You will be able to subscribe to receive updates and information about all of our upcoming events.

Order “DotShot” merchandise. T-shirt pre-orders are available with more merchandise to follow.

This also supports us in our endeavors to help, teach and support others.

Schedule meetings and workshops to help improve the personal side of your group, business or company.

Hope to hear from you soon!. Thanks for your support. You guys are amazing!!!

Karma or Reap what you sow

I am a fan of combat sports. Which typically means that I get to hear a lot of trash talk between opponents. At the end of a particular match this past weekend. The trash talk continued. It usually ends after the fight. The fighters show each other and their team mutual respect. I assume this is an old thought process built on, once you fight someone, you get to know who they are. Some sort of warrior bond is established. Something I heard, anyway. Well, when this bout was over the loser made some comments about the other which included family members. The winner made a comment, “Karma is not a bitch, it’s a mirror.” It made me think about the fact that when we use the term Karma, we typically think about it from a retribution stand point. The winner of the bout was trying to make a point of saying in other words, “you reap what you sow.” During some of the most trying and emotional moments in our lives we will be faced with situations that we would rather not be a part of. It shows how great your character is that during these moments that you can still be the best version of yourself and be the person you want other people to be. It may not be the easiest thing to do, but acting as others do when you choose not to own who you want to be can be a bit hypocritical at times. I make it a mission to seek out a part of me that can be better today than I was yesterday. It’s these steps that make me feel better about myself and the work I choose to do with and for others. I choose to give not as I have always been given. Let’s face the truth, just because we have received something, it does not mean we deserved it. Bad things do happen to good people, just as good things have happened to bad people. The choice for me is to not hang my hat on what does not elevate me and the people I come into contact with. So I will continue to work on being the best version of myself, while fighting for others to do the same. As always,

Go Be Amazing

Coming soon. The DotShot media website.

You will be able to send messages directly to Ran and Gary. Get to know the Dot and the Shot. Suggest topics and share your opinions on the DotShotTalks podcast. You can check out our upcoming events, order DotShot merchandise. Schedule meetings and seminars. Stay ahead and current with what’s going on with our blog and info. Gain access to this fun and informative duo. Coming soon to a hand held screen, monitor and/or tablet near you.