Much Thanks to Kalani Virtudes!!

One thing I should say is that, I am not patient enough to have done this alone. I asked a guy with zero experience to help me get this website up and running. He did all the things I had no patience to do. His willingness to get this right for us was the foundation of the awesome product you are now viewing. Kalani Virtudes is a young man that has worked under me for the past 2 years. A very smart guy with unlimited potential. I have told him that since day one. I knew he had never done anything like this before, but I also knew he has a varied interest in computers. So, I decided to ask him what he thought about the idea of helping me get this website up and running. He jumped on the idea. He started off by going to YouTube University. Then he dived into the site and the site sponsor. He spent large amounts of his time, effort and energy to learn everything he could to help me. This was absolutely a team accomplishment. From updating the logo to what content we wanted to put on the site, to color schemes, button placements, content flow, and functionality. Again, my patience is not geared for this type of thing specifically. I did have to learn and gain some ground. But because of Kalani and the autonomy I gave him to make decisions to do what was needed. He exceeded my expectations and then some. As we have continued to hammer out some of the bugs and iron out some details. He has provided DotShot with a great launch pad that Gary and I are very proud of. Kalani has more in store to improve and build on from this platform. He is also wanting to start a business of his own, helping people as he did with us, with their website design, issues and usability. We will continue to support him as he moves forward. .